Necl86 tube data booklet

Such an adapter would be quite useful since their is a great surplus of these tubes and the ecl86 s are getting pricier. One problem ive had trying to use the it data scan from the german website is its difficult to tell bolded vs regular letters, due to the low qualities of their original chart and possibly the scanning process. This tube has the classical grid construction and the tube. The el86 is designed for a higher anode current and lower anode voltage than the el84. All these links open in a new browser window so that you can return quickly to this page without having to reload. Swagelok tube fittings is that the tubing must be softer than the fitting. The thin glass tube envelope is 20 mm in diameter and, excluding the b9a base pins, is 68 mm tall. The thin glass tube envelope is 20 mm in diameter and, excluding the b9a base pins, is 72 mm tall. Most of these datasheets are in english except where noted otherwise. If you have never used this facility before, click the help link. This 1932 rca below manual provides all the data sheet information, of the first radio receiving tubes ever made, from about 1920 to 1932. Substitutes are given as a guide only please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application.

Here youll find a modest collection of datasheets for some popular tubes. If youre looking for a replacement for an exx tube by a pxx tube you have to refer to a tube data book. This would suit transformerless designs of the type called single ended push pull see data sheet. Unfortunately sylvania didnt put data sheets on separate pages they run together so its hard to break up the. Key in the code for the valvetube you wish to search for and click the query button. This exhibit is my spare for the tk14 tape recorder that i have had since december 1963. Produced in japan, ogetter halo, ribbed scale blackplate. Welcome to the tube data sheet locator, a popular web resource for finding data on vacuum tubes.

Ge essential characteristics, the whole 228 page book in an indexed pdf file big, 11mb. Most of the datasheets are in pdf format and some are links to other html pages. A lot of those magnatones had a small cap at the end of the line. It was also specified for use as a series regulator. Physics data booklet equationsoptions sl and hl core sl and hl extension hl only option e. Valve vacuum tube data sheets and application notes keith snook. You can access data protection resources elsewhere on the ico website. Tube pcl 86 or rohre pcl86 id3434, triodebeam power tube, noval, b9a and audio frequency shown. The following theory booklet has examples and notes with links to youtube videos. If youd rather use the complete tc data booklet with your model tc3. The key to selecting proper tubing for use with metal.

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